2 flats for sale urgently on Street 271, Wat Sansom Kosal, house size 15mX15m, 4m left, area …

2 flats for sale urgently on Street 271, Wat Sansom Kosal.
👉 House size 15mX15m, the rest is 4m
មនុស្ស The bustling downtown area has income from existing rentals.
89089 919991 (Solid title deed) Price below market 2-storey house for sale at 271 Wat Sansom Kosol🏢🏢
SizeThe size of the house is 15mX15m, the corner is 4m
👉Town area, Munus Oor has income from renting
📞📞089 919991 (Hard title, Machos Phal) lower priceTranslated from Khmer

Author: admin

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