Building for rent in Toul Sangke, rent 2800$, negotiable, 30 bedrooms, close to a quiet place…

🏘Toul Sangke Building for Rent
Rent negotiable at RMB 2,800
👉Has 30 bedrooms
ជិត near a quiet place
👉Suitable for all kinds of sales
👉Not flooded, location is good, close to the main road
ស្អាត Clean House Kob Mong
015 888 107
095 602 013
Telegram: 🏘 Toul Sangke Rental Building
Negotiable for rent at NT$2,800
👉30 bedrooms available
👉Near a quiet place
Or sell various
Flooded, flooded, good location, close to the main road
The house is so beautiful
015 888 107
095 602 013
Telegram: Translated from Khmer

May be image of 1 person, temple and text

Author: admin

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