House for rent or parking 2. 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 1 classroom, 1 study, 1 bar …

🏠 House for rent or sale 🚙 Parking 2 🚼. 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 1 classroom, 1 study room, 1 kitchen, 1 kitchen, 1 large room, a total of 12 rooms, 10 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 2 parking spaces. Located south of Boeung Trabek Plaza Market, Phnom Penh, please contact by phone number 0969844443/0716741711 Telegram 0969844443 We have rent such as condos, apartments, apartments in and outside the Borey for rent, normal accommodation, office, business, etc. can be contacted by both numbers Top line for the location of the house you want as needed and make an appointment

Author: admin

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