House for sale near 7 Makara Market, Street 612, Sangkat Boeung Kak 2, excellent location, close to Hall Market…

Houses for sale near 7 Makara Market, Street 612, Sangkat Boeung Kak II
The location is good, close to the market, the school is in the city center, the accommodation is good, and you can also do business and open an online store.
👉Sale price: $2**,000, 2 floors, firm offer# For more information, please contact:
ElTelegram: (855) 17 29 29 53 Houses for sale near 7 Makara Market, St. Louis 912, Beoung Kok 2 Commune
📍The location is good, close to markets, schools, and downtown areas. It is suitable for living. You can also start a business, open an office, and sell goods online.
👉Price: $2**, 000 2 storeys high, with hard title #For more information, please contact:
📥Telegram: (855) 17 29 29 53 Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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