Houses for sale or rent, Borey Peng Huot, The Star Net, National, Tumnup Tuek Street, in front of Pes Market…

House for sale or rent

LocationBorey Peng HoStarNet Chural
Damm Road in front of Pest Market371st Street

House area 4·2*16 after remaining 2 meters 4 meters before
There is a war roofHome Front Politics and Roadblocksalready
Telephone and telex 096 7500 800/012 23 13 70

House for sale or rent

Location: Borey Peng Hout, Distanet Chorol
Dam Road in front of Pese Market, Street 371

The dimensions of the house are 4×2*16, the remainder is 2 meters and the front is 4 meters.
Are rear kitchen roof and railings completed?
Telephone and telex 096 7500 800/012 23 13 70

Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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