Land and house for sale at Run Ta Ek, the original Y house is 45%, delicious, 1300 meters from the market …

Land and house for sale inY-letter fever45% delicious from the market 1300 meters near the main road 30 meters Near the corner of the lakeExcursion 2 roadsThe fire was extinguished.Clean water next month will be developed
Interested contact meLive 0967060053> telegram call 0967060053: 061590050

Land and house for sale at Runtaek, original Y letter, the house is 45% built, 1300 meters from the market, close to the main road 30 meters, close to the corner to Boeung Komsan, cross 2 roads, electricity is available. Sewerage and concrete road, clean water, next month will be developed.
Interested, contact me, the owner 0967060053> telegram call 09670600 53: 061590050

Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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