Land and house for sale urgently for weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Pheary commune location …

Land and house for saleStill strong
For leisureWeek Saturday Sunday
Location: Phareima communeNachey, Bor Set District, Kampong Speu Province.
Land size: 20m × 75m.
Selling for only $ 25,000, now selling for only $ 15,500 Only
There are fruit cropsMultiple faces
Telecom ContactRams and phone numbersBelow
017 999 227
086 999 227 Telegram

Land and house for sale urgent
For weekend relaxation, Saturday and Sunday
Location: Phary Meanchey commune, Porseth district, Kampong Speu province.
Land size 20m × 75m hard title document
Sell ​​only 25000 $ now sell only 15500 $
There are many kinds of fruit plants
Contact telegram and phone number below
017 999 227
086 999 227 Telegram

Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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