Land for sale 9mX30m, next to National Road 5, near factory, near Borey …

Land for saleLand size 9mX30m
House next to Chea RoadNumber 5
Near factory near Borey MonoromPrek Taten, a development area in the center of the suburbs of Borey
Beyond Prek Por MarketAt a kilo of land.
I’m interestedCan come and see for themselvesYes
092982533 /0966263902

House land for urgent sale, head land 9mX30m
House next to national road 5
Near the factory, near Borey Monor Mon, Prek Taten, Dambon Development, in the middle of Borey Harn, Market Development
Passing Prek Pnov market, one kilometer of land.
Anyone interested can come to see directly

Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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