Land for sale from National Road 127, 400 meters away, between National Road 41 and National Road 3 …

Land for sale on National Road 127, 400 meters away, between National Road 41 and National Road 3, 50 meters from the road, divided into 4
Size 5m x 20m, price 7000 $, with water and electricity.
300 meters away from a giant factory project with an area of ​​500 hectares
200 meters from schools, pagodas and people’s houses
500 meters from the commune hall, hospital … More Land for sale from National Road 127, 400 meters away. Land between National Road 41 and National Road 3, 50 meters from the corner road divided into 4
Size 5m x 20m price 7000 $ include state water
300 meters away from 500 hectare giant factory project
200 meters away from school, pagoda and people’s houses
500 meters away from municipal school, hospital, police station
1 kilo from factory and market
👉Location at Prey Nhat commune, Kong Pisey district, Kampong Speu province
096 4505 706Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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