Land for sale in front of Macro Market, Siem Reap City, size 20mx43m, next to concrete road 15m, price …

⛳ Land for sale in front of Macro Market
Siem Reap City
👉 Size 20mx43m
👉 Next to concrete road 15m
👉 Odds $ 250 / m²
លក់ Now selling only $ 200 / m² Negotiable
Telegram 016692089
For077283763 ⛳ Land for sale in front of Makro market
Siem Reap city
IzeSize 20mx43m
👉 next to concrete road 15m
👉 The price of Cheng shop is $ 250 / m2
SellNow sell only $ 200 / m2 negotiable
Telegram 016692089
Rans077283763Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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