Land for sale urgently, money to help mother pay bank, sale, polish 2000 $, market price 6000 $, sell only 300 …

Land for sale urgently Help mother pay bankលក់ ខាត់ លុយ ដែ ម 2000 $ Market value 6000 $ for sale only 3000 $, solid plan can build1 houseFlat on the outskirts of Phnom PenhKampong Speu
(Land size 10m, length 20m) Tel 077477768

Land for sale urgently. Help mother pay bank. Original 2000 $. Market price 6000 $. Sell ​​only 3000 $. Hard title can build 1 flat house. Phnom Penh, Kompong Speu province.
(Land size 10m wide 20m) Tel 077477768

Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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