Love can contact you to guarantee a clean car Highlander 02, four pong engines, price 1 …

Love can relateGuaranteedClean car
Highlander 02 four four-pot machine
Price $ 11200 Negotiable
Clean car insuranceAll original ownersNumber
Put a parent
Location Phnom Penh

If you love it, you can contact me, I guarantee that the car is nice
Highlander 02 four engine one pong
Price 111200 $ negotiable
Guarantee that the car is clean, original owner documents are complete
Putting customers in the shop
Location in Phnom Penh

Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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Love can contact you to guarantee a clean car Highlander 02, four pong engines, price 1 …

Love can relateGuaranteedClean car
Highlander 02 four four-pot machine
Price $ 11200 Negotiable
Clean car insuranceAll original ownersNumber
Put a parent
Location Phnom Penh

If you love it, you can contact me, I guarantee that the car is nice
Highlander 02 four engine one pong
Price 111200 $ negotiable
Guarantee that the car is clean, original owner documents are complete
Putting customers in the shop
Location in Phnom Penh

Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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