Need Graphic Designer (2 people) Base salary $ 350- $ 550 Work experience …

Need Graphic Designer (2 people)
Minimum salary $ 350- $ 550 3 years or more work experience
** Excellence in
-Adobe illustrator
– Photoshop
– InDesign. * Layout in Printing House.
Working hours 8: 00_5: 30 PM
Location Boeung Trabek Phnom Penh
Telegram 👉085535158 Need Graphic Designer (2 people)
Basic salary $ 350- $ 550 3 years work experience and above
** Excellence in
-Adobe illustrator
– Photoshop
– InDesign. * Layout in Printing House.
Working hours 8: 00_5: 30 PM
Work location, Beoung Trobek, Phnom Penh
Telegram 8085535158Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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