New stock, cheap price, you can buy it to plant, no need to worry, not live or difficult to take care of …

Make new stock, the price is very cheap 🎉🎉🎉 You buy it and plant it, you don’t have to worry about not living or it is difficult to take care of it ៎
👉 This season is right for our crop, just plant a few days to pick the leaves ៎
Can be ordered in Battambang, sent to all provinces 🙏 New stock, very cheap price🎉🎉🎉Everyone buy to plant, no need to worry, afraid it will not survive or difficult to take care👏👏
👉This season is suitable for our crop. Plant in a few days and it will be ready 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗
Can order. Battambang, can deliver to all provinces🙏Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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