#Peace of Peace 2 block house near Toul Pong for sale under odds, the owner personally booked …

📣 #Peas Santepheap 2 block house near Toul Pong for sale under the owner’s own odds 👉 Book and hold the key to the new building Near market, school, hospital, pagoda, near Teuk Phleng city, 24 hours state, a very developing area, the bank provides a loan of 80% of the best house price for those who are looking for a house. Built, easy to live, easy to buy. House size 4x13m, front 4m, back 1m. 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Heng Klang ☎️ Contact the landlord 📲017 86 06 86 📲015 56 66 58 Telegram

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