Single villa in front of Sangkat Phsar Kandal, one month, only one house, 2 bedrooms …

ទ Single villa in front of Sangkat Phsar Kandal, one month only one house
ក 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 living room
💥 Price 5, ten thousand
👉 Book a small tick holding the key in
✅ Solid plan, concrete road, clean water, state rain
Phone and Telegram 📞 012317193/086274895 💰Single villa in front of Sangkat Psa Kandal school. One month can stay. Only one house
✅2 Keng rooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 living room.
💥Price: 5 thousand.
IttleLittle book lock in
✅Hard title, concrete road, clean water, state light
HonePhone & telegram 📞012317193 / 086274895Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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