Sorry, the owner of the park asked for an app to buy a house for sale at a high price + size 4m x 16m, full + 2 bedrooms …

Sorry Pak owner Beg for alms
House for sale
+ Full size 4m x 16m
+ 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, reception area1 parking space and 1 courtyardClothing.
+ File: Hard layout
+ Address: N26 Borey Sen Sok Odem Phnom Penh 3km from flyoverChom Chao.
+ Price 58000 $
Contact to see Grandpa’s houseHeritage: Number: 081 275252/092 344 266/088 3000 142

Sorry page owner, please help me
House for sale at low price
+ size 4m x 16m full
+2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 reception, 1 parking space and a laundry area.
+ File: Hardsheet
+ Address: N26 Borey Sen Sok Odem Phnom Penh 3km from Chom Chao overpass.
+ price 58000 $
Contact to view the house by: 081 275252/092 344 266/088 3000 142

Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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