Weekend menu, let’s order a delivery pool, have a meeting program, don’t forget how many before …

Weekend menu, let’s order a delivery pool, have a reunion program, don’t forget how many faces you have ែម
# In stock # Wholesale and retail in 25 provinces Telegram 016499416/0977543893
Location near New Krasang Market, Phnom Penh, send to all 25 provinces and cities Weekend menu. Let’s order. We will deliver to you. If you have any gathering, do not forget. There are many delicious dishes. 🍻🍻
# In stock # Wholesale and retail in 25 provinces Telegram 016499416/0977543893
# Location near Taing Krasang Thmey Market, Phnom Penh, send to all 25 provinces and cities Translated from Khmer

Author: admin

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